ACT was formed in January 2007 by a groupof investors, including locak venture capitalists Dale Boden and Ty with the purpose of expeditingf the process of getting new cancer treatments to market. ACT has a licensinyg agreement with the University of Louisville that allows researchers atUniversity Hospital's James Grahan Brown Cancer Center to submit their scientific discoveries to the company, whicgh evaluates their potential for commercialization. Rounsavall is manager of , a Louisville-basee industrial real estate development andmanagement company.
He also servee as a board member for the Regional Cancer Center an oversight and advisory boardf for the BrownCancerr Center; as a member of the University of Louisville boardx of overseers; and the board of Universitt Medical Center Inc., which manages Universith Hospital and the clinical operationes of Brown Cancer Center. For more informatioh about AdvancedCancer Therapeutics, .
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